Market Operations: The LFM is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors whose members coordinate and oversee various parts of the market, and is run weekly by Kim O’Brien, the onsite Market Manager. Visit our About Us page to learn more and email with any questions!
Summer Market Location: The LFM is located in Lexington, Massachusetts at the Worthen Road Practice Field, between the Lexington High School Field House and the baseball diamond. While the Practice Field does not have a physical address, it is part of the Town of Lexington Recreation Complex.
Producer-only: At the LFM, we strive to ensure that all products sold by our farmers, vendors and artisans are locally-grown, locally-sourced or locally crafted. When a product can’t be produced or grown in New England, we use our discretion to identify products that enhance market offerings. The LFM’s goal is to provide a healthy, local and vibrant mix of products. We work to have a balance of items available at the market, and carefully research farmers and vendors before they are admitted to the market, with the ultimate decision up to the discretion of the Market Manager and Board of Directors.
No pets allowed: We love animals but no dogs or pets allowed in the market space per Lexington Board of Health and Recreation Dept. regulations. Service animals specifically trained to aid a person with a disability are welcome.
Weather Policy: The LFM has worked in close cooperation with the Lexington Police Department and various town departments to develop a responsible weather policy. Because the LFM is held on town land used by other groups, policies are created to protect market participants and maintain the condition of the playing fields.
In general, we do not close the market unless there is a public safety emergency as determined by the police, torrential rain or high winds. In the event of high winds, heavy rain or other inclement weather once the market opens, the Market Manager will make a public announcement through a loudspeaker to inform market shoppers, farmers and vendors of the impending weather conditions. For the most up to date information, keep an eye on the LFM Facebook page.
Market news:The best way to stay on top of the latest news at the summer season LFM is to sign up for the weekly newsletter sent on Monday, which highlights farmers, vendors, artisans, community groups and musicians attending the market that Tuesday. Winter market newsletters are sent on Thursday before the Saturday market.
In addition, there is a Facebook post the morning of market day which includes the list of everyone attending the market that day.
Farmer-Vendor Dates: Farmers and vendors attend the LFM weekly, biweekly or as guest vendors. Check Farmers and Vendors to see dates when farmers and vendors are attending, or contact the farmer/vendor directly to double check. Artisans and entertainers come on a revolving schedule, and you can check the Artisan page on the website to find their dates
Preorders: Farmers and Vendors offering preorders can be found on the listings under each seasonal market (summer, FEASTival, winter)
Food Assistance:
SNAP and the Healthy Incentives Program/HIP are available at the LFM, along with WIC and FMNP Coupons. Visit our Food Assistance page for more information (live link)
MIGRATE THIS LANGUAGE IN SOME FASHION TO THE FOOD ASSISTANCE PAGE The LFM was the first farmers’ market in the metrowest region to accept SNAP/EBT starting in 2011, and the first to offer matching dollars. Thanks to fundraising and the generosity of the LFM community, the LFM matches up to $15 each week in SNAP dollars. Stop by the Market Manager’s tent for additional information.
The LFM hosts farmers who accept HIP; in 2023, visit Busa Farms, Farmer Dave’s, Kelley Farm and Stillmans Farm for HIP.
Applying to the Lexington Farmers’ Market:
Farmers and Specialty Food Vendors: Applications are available starting in February, due at the beginning of March with acceptances sent in April. Please note that once the season is filled, applications are kept on a waitlist in case space becomes available.
Artisans and Musicians: Visit the Market Community Page for information on applying.
Community Tent: the LFM welcomes nonprofit community groups to the LFM’s weekly Community Tent to share information on their organization’s work. Attendance is limited to those organizations that are Lexington-based or have direct impact in Lexington and the local areas. Visit the Market Community page for more information and to apply.
Volunteering: We welcome volunteers, high school age and up, who are committed to local food and community. Visit Volunteer for more information as to how you can join the market community.
LFM Sponsorship or In-Kind Donations: The LFM welcomes business sponsors and community partners that wish to support market operations and the LFM’s educations and food equity programs, including the SNAP Match Program and the POP Club. Please email
Individual Contributions: Donations to the LFM directly support market operations as well as the SNAP Match program. We are grateful for any size donation. Donations are accepted on the web site and at the Market Manager’s tent at the market. For more information, contact
Gift Certificates: Gift certificates make wonderful teacher gifts, thank you’s to local friends, and lots more. Email or ask at the Market Manager’s tent.